September 12, 2007

Weird Russian Shit

Hey y'all.

Sending a quick hello from Moscow and wanted you to know that I arrived safe and sound, although 4 hours late. My car was there waiting and this hotel is fine, even though everything smells likesmoke. I had a great day sightseeing at the Kremlin and visiting the most random musum ever (can't spell it) with another museum guy and I am exhuasted.

Random thoughts: there are lots of stray dogs in Moscow, the food really is bad, the people are rude and cranky, the vodka is plentiful and everything is super expensive, but I'm enjoying it. Looks like I'll be there another day and am hoping to visit the State Russian Museum in Red Square. Hopefully I'll get to St. Petersburg tomorrow, but that trip has not been working out so well.

Ok, all the things are in crylic so I am going to try and post this. Hope it works.

Miss Russian Banana

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