January 16th
Cab drivers lost their recent strike and in addition to sporting the hideous flowers, now they all have this TV bullshit embedded behind the drivers seat. I usually turn it off because I refuse to support advertising to a captive audience, but today, for your blog enjoyment, I watched my little blue circle travel uptown.
In 2002 Craig and I got stuck in a cab going from Union Station to Chinatown that had the same advertisement on repeat for the whole ride. In the background of the advertisement they were playing Chaka Khan's Tell Me Something Good. And for the past 6 years Craig and I will answer the phone saying "Tell me something good." whenever the other one calls. We sorta love to hate those TVs. Glad to know you can apparently turn them off. I don't think our cab had that option.
Wow-when did they begin doing this? How horrible.
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