March 9, 2008

Otterness Happiness

March 9th

Today I was relaxing at home and didn't take any interesting photos. However, I did want to share these photos I took of very friendly sculptures by Tom Otterness scattered throughout the 14th Street stop on the A, C, E, line.

I moved to New York City under duress for a job. When I came here apartment hunting, I was alone, scared and lost. After a particularly scary appointment with a hardcore Hasidic broker in Williamsburg, I came across these little guys on the platform. They gave me great hope that I might find something interesting and fun living here even if I paid $2,000 a month to live in a closet next to scary neighbors.

Every time I come across these sculptures, I'm reminded how far I've come emotionally and why I now adore living here.

This little guy is my favorite. I just want to sit down and tell him thanks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The second one is my favorite.