November 19, 2007

Not A Photo Day

November 14th

Today was one of the most exhausting nutty surprising days in my life. Without going into too much detail, suffice to say the Director resigned effective at the end of this calendar year and it looks like I am getting a temporary promotion to Interim Deputy Director at the museum! Phew!

In any case, I never really got around to taking a photo. Instead, I'm going to show that I appeared in this month's issue of WAKA's Kickball Today newsletter. You can view the full isuue here for a limited time, but this is the photo that appeared with the text below. I've made myself an international star!

Anna M. from "Roscoe's Chicken and Kickballs" in the NY Star Division made sure to pack her WAKA shirt for her September work trip to Moscow. "There are lots of stray dogs in Moscow, the food really is bad, the people are rude and cranky, the vodka is plentiful and everything is super expensive, but I'm enjoying it!" Anna loves the WAKA experience so much she has played in all the NY divisions! Fly that kickball flag high, Anna!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where's the RCK Gold, Banana? Weak.
Just kidding. WAKA should have given the Bad News Bears in their write-up. You are wearing the shirt after all.