August 1, 2007

Miss Banana Makes A Blog! Whee!

Guess what people? I'm 30. And I've decided to document this year of my life with one photo a day, every day, for 365 days. Know what else? I'm going to share these photos with, YOU, yes YOU, glorious people of the internets! Hooray!

As to what this project exactly means, I know not. I suppose it's part photo diary, part attempt to learn how to take a decent photo, and part recording of the random shit I see living in New York City!

Since I am already a month behind in posting and I still need to figure out exactly HOW to post a photo to a blog, I will end this with a giant thank you to mom and dad for buying me a kickass Canon Powershot camera for my birthday, thus enabling this stupendous endeavor.

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