October 18, 2007


So, as you can see it is taking me forever to get caught up with my trip. I anticipated this but not on this scale. I have work to thank for that and my apologies to y'all.

In any case, I wanted to alert you to a few other "once a day" sites sent to me by my old roomie and faithful reader, Liz (or Lizard as I prefer to call her).

Here is a blog of another person taking photos everyday. Except he's Japanese and takes a picture of the same vending machine every day. When he's away, his wife takes the picture...

This girl is doing one new thing every day from the day she turns 29 to the day she turns 30. I need to make friends with her.

Liz also found a blog of a person that is making a different skull image every day. Right.

And I found this site in the "Blogs Of Note" section of the main Blogger website. Can you figure out why I cringed at this?


Jenmac said...

Yes, let's be blog friends! I'm trying to come up with a clever way to exchange email addys without publishing them in public.

Mia said...

Just browsing, saw your post on the Jen's site... I've been trying that 356 photo thing (there's a link on the sidebar of my blog).... but I started it in January and only have 40 some pictures up so far ::laughing:: I better get busy :)