August 17
So kids, my little project has come to an end. Despite the best efforts of Flickr to thwart me, I have indeed completed a 365 photo blog. To be exact, I wrote 380 posts and according to my camera, took well over 10,000 photos during this endeavor. Ironically enough, there were still 31 days where I did not document my life!
When I initially
started this project, I said it was " part photo diary, part attempt to learn how to take a decent photo, and part recording of the random shit I see living in New York City". In the end it was all that and more. I shared my trips around
New England, from
Russia to
Spain, and a wedding in
Bermuda. You got a sneak into my
family's holidays, followed me through a wacky cold
kickball season, and witnessed the
16th and 17th time a bird shit on me!
I enjoyed having a project to focus my mind and keep me from straying down melancholy lane. I liked promoting my books and bands, it was a great intro to
other 365ers, and I had fun sharing the kooky shit that only happens in Banana-land.
Since High Fidelity is one of my recent reads and favorite John Cusack movie, I thought I would share a few final thoughts
Top Five Records style.
Finally, I want wrap this all up with a huge thanks to my readers. It's hard to believe that this silly blog got almost 5,000 hits in just about six months and had visitors from
around the world. I hope you enjoyed reading enough to come visit my new musings!
Miss Banana